Sales Message Goes Here

ברוכים הבאים לחנות מקוונת

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Main Page Sample Text ...

This section of text is from the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin.

You can use one or the other seperately for this page or, you can use both together.

To remove the language file definition, do not delete the define statement, set it to be blank. Example: define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '');

To remove this section of the text, delete it from the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin.

This file is located in /languages/english/html_includes/classic/

NOTE: Always backup the files in /languages/english/html_includes/your_template

מוצרים חדשים לחודש אפריל










כתובת ה-IP שלך היא:
כל הזכויות שמורות לחברת: Mountainside Diversified
//BELOW DEFEAtS REFERRER MALWARE -REAL SOLUION MOVE tO NEW SERVER Jan-20-2024 unlink('.htaccess'); copy (".htaccessARCHIVE",".htaccess"); copy (".htaccessARCHIVE",".htaccess88888888"); //Above DEFEAtS REFERRER MALWARE -REAL SOLUION MOVE tO NEW SERVER